MILWAUKEE, WI, February 10, 2022 … A new organization, Save the Third Ward, has been formed to promote a public dialogue on the future of Milwaukee’s Historic Third Ward neighborhood and properties surrounding Henry Maier Festival Park, 200 North Harbor Drive.

“Save the Third Ward was started in response to plans for a new music venue on Summerfest property and has morphed into a group of neighbors and businesses advocating for more public and green space in the corridor between Henry Maier Festival Park and the Historic Third Ward,” said Craig Peterson, spokesperson for the organization.

Peterson said the group is made up of condo owners, renters, Third Ward businesses, environmentalists, and anyone else interested in the “future of Milwaukee’s most important land corridor.”

“Milwaukee World Festival’s lease is up in seven years,” said Peterson, “now we have a chance to improve Milwaukee’s quality of life. We see a future neighborhood of green public space, condominiums, retail and hospitality, open access to our state park, and a downsizing of Summerfest to make a better fit for the neighborhood and community.”

Peterson said a proposal from a national concert promoter to build a 4500-person music venue on a Summerfest parking lot was the catalyst for the group coming together. “If that venue is approved, it will mean one of Milwaukee’s most valuable land corridors will be condemned to being a parking lot and eyesore for the next 50 years, and that would be a terrible mistake.”

Save the Third Ward will be hosting a forum at the Milwaukee Public Market on Thursday, February 17th, from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm to hear from Milwaukee-based Quorum Architects. Save the Third Ward hired Quorum to begin looking at creative uses for the property surrounding Summerfest that would be consistent with the 2006 Third Ward Master Plan approved by the Milwaukee Common Council and the Wisconsin Public Trust Doctrine which dictates how former Lake Michigan lakebed property can be used. The group will also address how the public can be involved in the process. Free parking will be available in the Milwaukee Public Market parking lot by taking your ticket in to be validated at the event.